General shipping information
In the table below you will find shipping options, shipping costs and delivery times.
Important information about shipping to other countries
International shipments may be subject to duties, taxes and other charges not included in the total price.
shipping options
OptionCostDelivery times
Collection (from our address) € 0.00
Austria10.00 €3 - 4 working days
Free shipping (€100.00 and above)- 3-4 working days
EU countries15.00 €3 - 5 working days
Free shipping (€100.00 and above)3 - 5 working days
Non-EU countries Europe 20.00 €1 - 3 working days
Worldwide €30.003 - 7 working days
Our customer service at Special Kratom Onlineshop stands for excellent care and satisfaction of our customers. We attach great importance to personal and professional customer service to ensure that all questions and concerns about our high-quality kratom products are answered comprehensively. Our dedicated team strives to provide a positive shopping experience and is always available to assist you with product selection, order processing or assistance with any issues you may have. We pride ourselves on offering efficient and reliable customer service, ensuring our customers' trust and satisfaction
credit cards
Cash on pickup
General Terms and Conditions (GTC) for Special Kratom, M-Pire Immo GmbH
Scope All sales by Special Kratom, M-Pire Immo GmbH are subject to the following points.
Product Prices and Shipping Costs All product prices are in Euro and include the statutory value-added tax (10, 13, or 20%) and exclude shipping costs.
Age Restriction You must be at least 18 years old to make purchases from us.
Changes and Errors Subject to changes and errors.
Misunderstandings and Errors Misunderstandings, uncertainties, and errors can occur. We will always strive to resolve matters with you to the best of our ability.
Legal Situation and Use of Products Consider the legal situation in your country! All products may only be used in accordance with the laws applicable to you. By accepting these GTC, you confirm to hold us harmless for any violations on your part. We strictly disclaim any responsibility for the abusive use of our products!
Legal Compliance The relevant laws apply in their current version.
Ordering, Withdrawal, and Prices Your order on our web shop is binding. You have the option to return UNUSED goods without stating reasons within a period of 14 days after receipt of the shipment. In the event of the effective exercise of the right of withdrawal, the services received on both sides must be returned. All live products (e.g., seeds) are excluded from the right of withdrawal if their packaging or sealing has been violated.
Payment You can pay by advance payment/transfer, Paypal, Klarna. In Austria and Germany, we also offer a cash on delivery service via GLS. The goods remain our property until full payment has been made.
Shipping Your share of the shipping costs will be clearly indicated when ordering. We normally deliver on the next working day after ordering/payment receipt. Upon acceptance, the customer undertakes to inspect the package for transport damage.
Website All prices in Euro, including statutory value-added tax, excluding shipping costs. Subject to price changes and errors. We distance ourselves from the contents of the links on our website.
Disclaimer We only sell to persons aged 18 years and older. Our products are not for consumption. These products are not intended for the diagnosis, treatment, cure, or prevention of diseases. Please consult your doctor about possible interactions or other potential complications before using a product.

Special Kratom Retailers
The Growcery Kratom Dispensary
Heiligenstädter Strasse 211, 1190 Wien
The Growcery Automaten 24/7
Heiligenstädter Strasse 211, 1190 Wien
Karl Inführ-Platz 1, 3400 Klosterneuburg
Heiligenstäter Lände 21, 1190 Wien
Esterházygasse 34, 1060 Wien
Meet & Weed
Lerchenfelder Strasse 17, 1070 Wien
Hanf Oase
Längenfeldgasse 3-5/2, 1120 Wien
Hanf IN
Saint-Julien-Strasse 8, 5020 Salzburg
Maria's Kräutershop
Mühletorplatz 2,6800 Feldkirch
Green Spectrum
Unterbergerstrasse 27, 6020 Innsbruck
Cup of Soul
Magazingasse 6, 4020 Linz
Great Green Store
Kleinhöfleiner Haupstrass2 6, 7000 Kleinhöflein Eisenstadt
Riedweg 1, 4812 Pinsdorf
Nooon CBD
Dreifaltigkeitsgasse 9, 5020 Salzburg
Do you have a shop in Vienna?Yes! You can visit us in our flagship store, The Growcery, from Tuesday to Saturday from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Heiligenstädter Straße 211, 1190 Vienna
How is kratom consumed?Kratom can be consumed in a number of ways. The most common method is to crush and pulverize the leaves to get kratom powder. This powder can then be taken in capsules, mixed with liquid, or made into a tea. Some people also chew the fresh leaves directly.
Are there any risks or side effects?Although kratom is legal in many countries, there are some potential risks and side effects that should be considered. These include nausea, dizziness, headaches, stomach upset, and constipation. In high doses, kratom can be sedating and lead to addiction. It is recommended to consume Kratom responsibly and follow the dosage instructions.
Was sind die häufigsten Anwendungen von Kratom?Kratom wird oft zur Linderung von Schmerzen, zur Steigerung der Energie und Motivation, zur Verbesserung der Stimmung, zur Bewältigung von Angstzuständen und Depressionen sowie zur Unterstützung beim Entzug von Opioiden verwendet.
What are the effects of Kratom?The effects of kratom can vary by strain and dosage. It can have a stimulating effect similar to that of coffee, boosting energy and concentration. It may also possess calming properties and serve as a natural means of relaxation and stress reduction. In addition, kratom is sometimes used to relieve pain.
Wo kann ich qualitativ hochwertiges Kratom kaufen?Qualitativ hochwertiges Kratom kann von vertrauenswürdigen und seriösen Anbietern erworben werden. Es ist wichtig, sich über die Quelle zu informieren und sicherzustellen, dass das Kratom frei von Verunreinigungen ist. Am besten Ihr kauft bei uns da unser Kratom mehrfachen Qualitätskontrollen unterzogen wird um ein erstklassiges Produkt zu garantieren.
Is kratom legal?The legal status of Kratom varies from country to country. Kratom is fully legal in some countries, while in others it may be restricted or banned. It is important to check the current laws and regulations in your country or region before purchasing or consuming kratom.
What is Kratom?Kratom is a natural plant native to the tropical regions of Southeast Asia, particularly countries such as Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam. The leaves of the kratom tree are traditionally used for their stimulating, sedative and pain-relieving properties.
Kann Kratom zu einer Abhängigkeit führen?Ja, Kratom kann abhängig machen, insbesondere bei langfristigem und übermäßigem Gebrauch. Es wird empfohlen, Kratom mit Vorsicht und in angemessenen Dosierungen zu konsumieren, um das Risiko einer Abhängigkeit zu minimieren.
Should I consult a doctor before using Kratom?It is recommended that you consult a healthcare professional before using kratom, especially if you have certain medical conditions, are taking medication, or are pregnant. A doctor can evaluate your individual circumstances and provide advice on the safe use of kratom. Please note that the information provided here is general in nature and is not intended as medical advice. If you have any questions or concerns, you should consult a qualified medical professional.
Sollten bestimmte Personen Kratom vermeiden?Ja, bestimmte Personen sollten Kratom vermeiden, einschließlich Schwangere, Personen mit Vorerkrankungen wie Leber- oder Nierenproblemen, sowie Personen, die andere Medikamente einnehmen, die mit Kratom interagieren könnten.